Energy bodywork is a healing treatment that addresses the balanced flow of energy moving through the subtle energy centers and fields in and around the body.  It cleanses, clears, renews and recharges the physical body and the subtle energy bodies.  Many imbalances in the physical body can be sourced back to blockages held within the energy body.

There are numerous forms of Energy Healing therapies offered throughout the world.  An Energy Healing session is performed on a massage table while you are fully clothed.  The practitioner will channel energy through their hands and into your body by placing their hands in various positions on or around the body.  The session can be effectively performed without touch or light touch based on your comfort level.

Some benefits you may receive from an energy healing session are…

-Increased relaxation, inner peace and harmony.

-Increased energy and overall well being.

-Reduction of stress, anxiety and pain.

-Fulfillment of healthier sleep patterns.

-Accelerated natural healing capabilities.

-Improvement of mental and emotional states.

-Reduction of fatigue and depressive symptoms.


Reiki is a Japanese healing therapy that promotes relaxation and stress reduction.  It works with the energy fields in and around the body providing many beneficial effects in balancing the mind, body and spirit.  Reiki cleanses, clears and recharges the energy field and body, bringing an increased sense of peacefulness and wellbeing.


Crystal Therapy

Crystal therapy is done by laying various crystals on different points and patterns around the body.  The crystals amplify and store energy through their piezoelectric/pyroelectric properties.  Specific crystals aid in attuning your body to a certain vibrational quality of balance through the entrainment of resonant frequencies.  Crystal therapy is a powerful energy healing modality.


Chelation Energy Therapy

Chelation is a similar energy therapy  to Reiki  but differs in the placement of hand positions and the source of the channeled energy.  It is  a grounding Earth centered energy that promotes feelings of security and stability.  It can be more beneficial for individuals who have signs of being ungrounded and is great for clearing stubborn heavy blockages that are obstacles towards ones path.


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